"Greatness is a journey—we can use our ideas of it to orient ourselves, but action can only take place in the real world, one small step at a time."

You've got it. All big things will have small origins. Striving for greatness will only make the process seem more arduous than it already is. Don't focus on the "greatness" aspect of something, but on why you care enough to do something about it. Greatness will have no choice but to come follow you.

I have been thinking about ambitious goals recently and how I can align my energy to work on the most important problems of today. Not every single important problem in the world, but the ones that I care about and believe I am uniquely capable of solving. Success will depend a lot on our faith and resilience to work on it.

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Energy out vs. energy in is also a good heuristic. Does this work make me feel more excited about life after I’ve completed it or less so? I want to get to a place where I have a raw animal desire to work on my stuff. I take anything less than that to be an indicator that I’m not focused on the right thing or that I need to rest/eat more nutrients

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Beautiful essay and picture.

Regarding having the image in your head, that must be true. Nikola Tesla would actually figure out and visualize his motors on his head until everything made sense and worked and only then he would go and build it. Highly recommend his autobiography. Take care!

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